Key Trends in Health and Wellness Tourism: Analysis of traveller types, key market trends, key destinations, challenges and opportunities

28 Pages - GLDATA69246


Wellness tourism is travel associated with the pursuit of maintaining or enhancing one’s personal wellbeing. Health and wellness tourism has diverse offerings that allow travelers to experience wellness tourism that suits them. This report looks at the health and wellness tourism segment in detail, exploring current and future trends in traveler types and destinations.

Key Highlights

- The Global Wellness Institute (GWI) estimates wellness tourism was a $639 billion global market in 2017, this is their most recent figure, growing more than twice as fast as general tourism.
- The US is the most popular health and wellness tourism destination with 47.5 million tourists in 2019.
- Personalization will be more prominent in health and wellness tourism as demand from millennials continues. Other travel trends that will become popular in 2020 include urban wellness, this is where tourists go to spas in cities and towns.


- GlobalData's Key Trends in Health and Wellness Tourism report provides analysis of traveler types and key market trends which are contributing to one of the fastest growing segments within tourism currently - health and wellness.
- Major and upcoming destinations are assessed, along with growth forecasts to provide valuable insight.
- Challenges along with opportunities in the industry are explained in relation to industry examples.

Reasons to buy

- Gain an insight into the health and wellness tourism segment
- Understand the key traveler types health and wellness facilities operators can look to attract
- Look at the key destinations and why they appeal
- Gain a detailed understanding of the key trends, issues and challenges facing health and wellness tourism operators


Table of Contents
Traveler Types
Key Market Trends
Asia is key to the future of health and wellness tourism
Mental health matters
Digital detoxing
Key Destinations
Key Destination: USA
Key Destination: Thailand
Key Destination: Iceland
Challenges and Opportunities
New and ongoing health and wellness developments
Terminology and definitions
About the author
GlobalData at a glance


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