Natural, Organic, and Eco-Friendly Pet Products in the U.S., 6th Edition

286 Pages - MSPF10182

Tracking a movement that started slowly but has since gone full steam ahead, "Natural, Organic and Eco-Friendly Pet Products in the U.S." explores how natural pet products are becoming increasingly common in mass-market channels while trying to remain true to their pet specialty roots. Whereas ten years ago natural, organic and eco-friendly (NOEF) pet products were still primarily the province of smaller outfits selling through the pet specialty channel, today virtually all major and mid-level pet market players offer at least some natural or eco-friendly products. The growth of the natural pet market correlates in part with the growing number of natural players exclusive to the pet specialty channel. But it is incursion by companies centered in the mass market, via line extension or acquisition, that has brought the pet industry's largest competitors onto the natural playing field, where ongoing experimentation and expansion promises to keep them firmly entrenched.

"Natural, Organic and Eco-Friendly Pet Products in the U.S." also examines how the growth of the natural pet market is fueled in part by human market trends. The environmental, safety, and social concerns that are important to U.S. consumers when purchasing products for themselves frequently also influence their pet product purchases, so the perennial strong performance of natural, organic and eco-friendly products on the human side-where these trends are much further along-suggests solid market growth potential for pet. Another human/pet market driver is the demand for increased transparency in product content and composition, increasing the importance of both what is-and at times even more importantly, what isn't-in a product. At the same time, although natural and organic products benefit from the consumer perception, whether real or imagined, that they are purer and safer than regular products, product safety is a growing factor given the many recalls of the past few years.

Natural, Organic and Eco-Friendly Pet Products in the U.S. breaks out the natural pet market into two broad classifications:
Pet Food: Because the term “natural” has no current legal definition, and thus has limited stand-alone appeal, and because of the ever-growing demand for high-quality pet foods that offer enhanced nutrition, a focus on ingredients has skyrocketed in the natural pet food space in the past ten years. One of the trends illustrating this phenomenon is the increased interest in human-grade foods and ingredients; another is the “must-have” status of grain-free pet foods. While organic pet foods make up a very small part of the overall pet food market, due to supply issues, high prices, and lack of pet market specific regulation, organic pet foods are expected to advance as these impediments are remedied. Other pet food trends covered include grass-fed and free-range foods, exotic proteins, “ancient grains,” and plant-based protein alternatives.

Pet Care Products: Defined as encompassing all non-food pet supplies (cat litter, grooming products, flea/tick care products, supplements, clean-up products, etc.), the pet care products market is distinguished by the importance of environmental or “green” appeals, a trend that encompasses the materials the products are made of, the packages they come in, and the sustainability practices of the companies who make them.

Building on the analysis presented in the previous five editions of this report, this fully updated sixth edition of "Natural, Organic and Eco-Friendly Pet Products in the U.S." covers historical and projected retail sales estimates from 2012 through 2021, competitive strategies of key players, and trends in new product development such as grain-free, grass-fed, superfood ingredients, human-grade, raw pet food (including freeze-dried and dehydrated), eco-friendly nonfood pet products, corporate sustainability initiatives, and retail channel trends. Featuring exclusive data from National Pet Owner Surveys, the report homes in on food and non-food purchasing trends across multiple categories, as well as attitudes and demographic characteristics of natural and organic pet product purchasers. Additional data sources include IRI marketer/brand sales data for mass-market channels, SPINSscan data for the natural supermarket channel and specialty gourmet channels, and Simmons data profiling trends in pet ownership and purchasing attitudes and product preferences.


Scope of Report: Pet Food and Pet Care
Report Methodology
Market Definitions and Terminology
Key Ethical Issues
Market Share by Retail Channel
Market Outlook
Pet Owners Still Concerned with Product Safety
Figure 1-1 Level of Agreement with Statement, “I consider natural and organic pet foods to be safer than regular pet foods,” 2016 (percent of pet product purchasers)
Safety, Nutritional Concerns Prompt Demand for Transparency
Market Structure and Retail Dynamics
Acquisitions, Mergers and Expansions
Retail Trends
Pet Food and Treats
Limited Ingredient Diets
Eco-Friendly Products Form Core of Natural Pet Care Market
More Pet-Owning Households Purchase Organic Foods
Demographics for Natural Dog Food
Scope of Report: Pet Food and Pet Care
Report Methodology
Natural Pet Food
Defining Natural
Defining Organic
Raw Pet Food
Terms Often Associated with Natural and Organic Pet Food
Natural Pet Food Ingredients
Undesirable Ingredients
Natural Pet Care Products
Changes in Pet Food Regulation
Litigation over the Meaning of “Natural”
Key Ethical Issues
Eco-Friendly (“Green”)
Locally Grown and “Food Miles”
Humane Treatment of Animals
No Animal Testing/Cruelty-Free
No Genetic Modification or Cloned Animals
Fair Trade/Ethically Sourced
Illustration 2-1 Fair Trade USA Certification Label
Sustainable Agriculture and Development
Corporate Responsibility
U.S. Retail Sales Approach $9 Billion in 2016
Table 3-1 U.S. Retail Sales of Natural Pet Products: Pet Food, Pet Care, Total, 2012-2016 (in millions of dollars)
Figure 3-1 Share of U.S. Retail Sales of Natural Pet Products: Pet Food vs. Pet Care, Total, 2012-2016 (percent)
Figure 3-2 U.S. Retail Sales of Commercially Prepared Raw Pet Food, 2012-2016 (in millions of dollars)
Litter Dominates Pet Care Classification
Figure 3-3 Share of U.S. Retail Sales of Natural Pet Care Products by Segment: Litter, Health, Other, 2016 (percent)
Mass-Market Sales Trends
Table 3-2 IRI-Tracked Sales of Natural Pet Products: Total and by Food and Non-food Category and Segment, May 2016 vs. Year Ago (in millions of dollars and pounds)
Table 3-3 Natural Product Share of IRI-Tracked Sales of Pet Products: Total and by Food and Non-food Category and Segment, May 2016 vs. Year Ago (percent and percentage point change)
Table 3-4 Share of IRI-Tracked Sales of Natural Pet Product Sales by Food and Non-food Category and Segment, May 2016 vs. Year Ago (percent)
Specialty/Gourmet and Natural Supermarket Sales Continue Upward Path
Table 3-5 U.S. Retail Sales of Pet Products in the Specialty/Gourmet and Natural Supermarket Channels by Channel, 2014 vs. 2015 (in millions of dollars)
Market Share by Retail Channel
Figure 3-4 Share of U.S. Retail Dollar Sales of Natural Pet Products by Distribution Channel, 2016 (percent)
Natural and Organic Going Strong on the Human Side
Figure 3-5 Agreement Levels With Selected Statements About Natural and Organic Foods: Overall vs. Pet Product Purchasers vs. NOEF Pet Product Purchasers, 2016 (percent)
Figure 3-6 Agreement Levels with Selected Statements About Environmental and Social Issues: Overall vs. Pet Product Purchasers vs. NOEF Pet Product Purchasers, 2016 (percent)
Natural Pet Products Part of Premiumization Trend
Figure 3-7 Agreement Levels with Selected Wellness-Related Statements About Pet Product Shopping, 2016 (percent of pet product purchasers)
Figure 3-8 Level of Agreement Regarding Importance of Choice of Natural/Organic Pet Foods vs. Pet Treats vs. Pet Supplies, 2016 (percent of NOEF pet food purchasers)
Pet Owners Still Concerned with Product Safety
Figure 3-9 Level of Agreement with Statement, “I consider natural and organic pet foods to be safer than regular pet foods,” 2016 (percent of pet product purchasers)
Figure 3-10 Level of Agreement with Statement, “Fear of pet food contamination/product safety is a key consideration in the dog foods/cat foods I buy,” 2016 (percent of dog and cat product purchasers)
Figure 3-11 Level of Agreement with Statement, “I prefer to purchase pet products made by smaller companies I trust”: Pet Product Purchasers Overall vs. NOEF Pet Product Purchasers, 2016 (percent)
Figure 3-12 Level of Agreement with Statement, “I am concerned about the safety of the pet foods I buy”: Pet Product Purchasers Overall vs. NOEF Pet Product Purchasers, 2016 (percent)
Figure 3-13 Level of Agreement with Statement, “I am concerned about the safety of the pet treats I buy”: Pet Product Purchasers Overall vs. NOEF Pet Product Purchasers, 2016 (percent)
Figure 3-14 Level of Agreement with Statement, “I am concerned about the safety of the non-food pet products I buy”: Pet Product Purchasers Overall vs. NOEF Pet Product Purchasers, 2016 (percent)
Figure 3-15 Level of Agreement with Statement, “I actively seek out pet foods made in the U.S.”: Pet Product Purchasers Overall vs. NOEF Pet Product Purchasers, 2016 (percent)
Pet Food Exempt from GMO Labeling Regulation … For Now
Figure 3-16 Level of Agreement with Statement, “I worry about GMO (genetically modified) ingredients in the pet foods I buy”: Pet Product Purchasers Overall vs. NOEF Pet Product Purchasers, 2016 (percent)
Safety, Nutritional Concerns Prompt Demand for Transparency
Illustration 3-1 Clear Conscience Pet Label
Table 3-6 Level of Agreement with Statement, “I am spending less on pet products because of the economy,” 2012-2016 (percent of pet product purchasers)
Table 3-7 Level of Agreement with Statement, “Many pet products are becoming too expensive,” 2012-2016 (percent of pet product purchasers)
Table 3-8 Pet Food Purchasing by Price Level: Dog Owners vs. Cat Owners, 2014 vs. 2016 (percent of pet product purchasers)
Table 3-9 Level of Agreement with Statement, “If natural/organic pet products were more available where I shop, I would buy them more often,” 2012-2016 (percent of pet product purchasers)
Table 3-10 Level of Agreement with Statement, “If natural/organic pet products were more affordable where I shop, I would buy them more often,” 2012-2016 (percent of pet product purchasers)
Table 3-11 Pet Owner Attitudes and Behavior Characterizing Human/Animal Bond: Pet Owners Overall vs. Natural Pet Food Purchasers, 2016 (percent)
Sales to Approach $15 Billion in 2021
Table 3-12 Projected U.S. Retail Sales of Natural Pet Products: Pet Food, Pet Care, Total, 2016-2021 (in millions of dollars)
Blue Buffalo a Hotbed of Activity
Table 4-1 Blue Buffalo’s Net Sales and Growth, 2010-2015 (in millions of dollars)
Illustration 4-1 Display Ad for Blue Buffalo Natural Veterinary Diet
Major Acquisitions
Consumer Response to Smaller Firms “Selling Out”
Expanding Product Lines and Updating Existing Brands
Illustration 4-2 Freshpet Fresh Baked Promotion
Illustration 4-3 Nestlé Purina Zuke’s Ascent Dog Food
Illustration 4-4 WellPet Wellness Grain-Free Recipes
Illustration 4-5 Barkworthies’ New Look
Recalls Continue to Impact Natural Brands
Natural Pet Care Marketers Fill Several Market Niches
Cause Marketing a Big Draw for Natural Product Purchasers
Illustration 4-6 PetSmart Good Natured Natural Dog and Cat Food
Illustration 4-7 Zuke’s Mini Naturals Stars & Stripes Treats
Figure 4-1 Level of Agreement with Statement, “The participation by pet product brands in pet welfare and rescue causes and events plays a significant role in which brands I buy”: Pet Product Purchasers Overall vs. Pet Owners Who Place a High Priority on Purchasing Natural Pet Food, 2016 (percent)
Figure 4-2 Level of Agreement with Statement, “The participation by pet product retailers in pet welfare and rescue causes plays a role in where I buy pet products”: Pet Owners Overall vs. Pet Owners Who Place a High Priority on Purchasing Natural Pet Food, 2016 (percent)
Sustainability Initiatives
Figure 4-3 Pet Owner Attitudes Toward Environmentally Responsible Packaging: Pet Owners Overall vs. Hispanic Pet Owners, 2016 (percent of dry pet food purchasers)
Marketer Profile: The Honest Kitchen Thrives on Transparency
Illustration 4-8 The Honest Kitchen Interactive Ingredient Map
Methodology for Estimates
Pet Specialty Dog Food and Cat Food Market Leaders
Table 4-2 Pet Specialty Channel Marketer and Brand Leaders in Dog and Cat Products, 2010-2014 (percent)
Marketer/Brand Shares of Mass-Market Sales of Natural Dog Food
Marketer/Brand Shares of Mass-Market Sales of Natural Cat Food
Marketer/Brand Shares of Mass-Market Sales of Natural Pet Supplies
Marketer/Brand Shares of Mass-Market Sales of Natural Cat Litter
Table 4-3 IRI-Tracked Retail Dollar Sales of NOEF Dog Food by Product Segment, Marketer, and Brand: 52 Weeks Ending May 16, 2016 vs. Year-Ago Period (in millions of dollars)
Table 4-3a IRI-Tracked Retail Dollar Shares of NOEF Dog Food by Product Segment, Marketer, and Brand: 52 Weeks Ending May 16, 2016 vs. Year-Ago Period (in millions of dollars)
Table 4-4 IRI-Tracked Retail Dollar Sales of NOEF Cat Food by Product Segment, Marketer, and Brand: 52 Weeks Ending May 16, 2016 vs. Year-Ago Period (in millions of dollars)
Table 4-4a IRI-Tracked Retail Dollar Shares of NOEF Cat Food by Product Segment, Marketer, and Brand: 52 Weeks Ending May 16, 2016 vs. Year-Ago Period (in millions of dollars)
Table 4-5 IRI-Tracked Retail Dollar Sales of NOEF Pet Supplies by Marketer and Brand: 52 Weeks Ending May 16, 2016 vs. Year-Ago Period (in millions of dollars)
Table 4-5a IRI-Tracked Retail Dollar Shares of NOEF Pet Supplies by Marketer and Brand: 52 Weeks Ending March 23, 2014 vs. Year-Ago Period (in millions of dollars)
Table 4-6 IRI-Tracked Retail Dollar Sales of NOEF Litter by Marketer and Brand: 52 Weeks Ending May 16, 2016 vs. Year-Ago Period (in millions of dollars)
Table 4-6a IRI-Tracked Retail Dollar Shares of NOEF Litter by Marketer and Brand: 52 Weeks Ending March 23, 2014 vs. Year-Ago Period (in millions of dollars)
Pet Specialty Retailers a Natural Match
Figure 4-4 Level of Agreement with Statement, “Natural pet products sold in pet stores and superstores are superior to those sold in general stores such as supermarkets or supercenters,” 2014 vs. 2016 (percent of pet product purchasers)
Pet Superstores Bank on NOEF Products
Table 4-7 Purchasing Rates for Pet Products in the Pet Specialty Channel, 2012-2016 (percent of dog or cat owners)
Illustration 4-9 Petco Email Promotion Featuring Only Natural Brands
Illustration 4-10 PetSmart Natural Litter Promotion
Illustration 4-11 Petco’s Drs. Foster and Smith Pet Food
Illustration 4-12 Petco WholeHearted Private-Label Pet Food
Natural/Organic at the Core of Independent Pet Specialty
Figure 4-5 Percentage of Pet Products with Natural, Organic or Eco-Friendly Marketing Propositions, 2016 (percent)
Figure 4-6 “What is the most important factor when evaluating natural products for your store?”, 2016 (percent)
Figure 4-7 “What are the biggest challenges you face in selling natural pet products?”, 2016 (percent)
Figure 4-8 “What percentage of your customers purchase natural products based on your recommendation?”, 2016 (percent)
Figure 4-9 “What does the future hold for natural pet products in your store?”, 2016 (percent)
Growth in Online Sales
Figure 4-10 Level of Agreement with Statement, “I am buying pet products online more than I used to”: Pet Product Purchasers Overall vs. Pet Owners Who Place High Priority on Purchasing Natural Pet Food, 2016 (percent)
Natural Products Focus on What Is, What Isn’t In Pet Foods
Figure 5-1 Use of Pet Food by Natural-Related Formulation, 2015 (percent of dog and cat product purchasers)
Illustration 5-1 The Honest Kitchen Nice Mussels
Illustration 5-2 The Honest Kitchen Joyful Jerky
Figure 5-2 Pet Owners Giving Human Foods to Pets, 2016 (percent of dog or cat owners)
Illustration 5-3 Freshpet Vital Whole Blends Website Banner
Illustration 5-4 Nestlé Purina Beyond Purées
Illustration 5-5 Pure Treats PureBites Mixers
“Meat-First” Products Focus on Quality Protein
Illustration 5-6 Chicken Soup for the Soul Grain-Free Wet Cat Food
Illustration 5-7 Radagast Pet Food’s Rad Cat Raw Diet
Illustration 5-8 Stella & Chewy’s Dandy Lamb Grass-Fed Lamb Patties
Illustration 5-9 Natural Balance Wild Pursuit Lamb Lung and Venison Lung Bites
Illustration 5-10 PetSmart’s Only Natural Pet Dog Food
Table 5-1 Pet Food Purchases by Meat Ingredient, 2016 (percent of dog or cat owners purchasing dry or wet pet food)
Table 5-2 Pet Food Purchases by Poultry/Game Bird Ingredient, 2016 (percent of dog or cat owners purchasing dry or wet pet food)
Illustration 5-11 Trade Ad for Sojos Complete Goat Recipe
Illustration 5-12 Koha Kangaroo Stew Super Premium Cat Food
Limited Ingredient Diets
Illustration 5-13 Merrick Limited Ingredient Diet in Real Salmon Recipe
Illustration 5-14 Nature’s Variety Instinct Limited Ingredient Diets
Focus on Plant-Based Nutrition
Illustration 5-15 Max & Ruffy’s Mother Quinoa’s Pumpkin Patch Treats
Illustration 5-16 Carna4 Sprouted Grain Pet Foods
Plant-Based/Meat-Free Pet Food
Table 5-3 Pet Food Purchases by Ingredients Other Than Animal Protein, 2016 (percent)
Illustration 5-17 Natural Balance Vegetarian Formulas
Illustration 5-18 Halo, Purely for Pets Vegan Garden Medley
Illustration 5-19 Nature’s Recipe Health Skin Vegetarian Recipe
Illustration 5-20 Dogswell Nutrisca Salmon & Chickpea Dog Food
Illustration 5-21 Chloe’s Sustainable Treats with Cricket Protein
Preventive Health Benefits of Pet Food Emphasized
Figure 5-3 Pet Owner Agreement with Statement, “High-quality dog foods/cat foods are effective for preventive health care,” 2014-2016 (percent of dog or cat owners)
Illustration 5-22 Screenshot of Hill’s Healthy Advantage website
Cats Demand Special Attention
Illustration 5-23 Nestlé Purina’s Muse Cat Food
Raw Foods Marketers Focus on Convenience
Sustainably and Ethically Sourced Ingredients a Marketing Plus
Illustration 5-24 Website Banner for
Illustration 5-25 Petcurean Gather Dog and Cat Food
Grain-Free, Superfood Treats Drive Category
Illustration 5-26 Wellness TruFood CocoChia Bakes
Illustration 5-27 Dogs Love Kale Treats
Illustration 5-28 Wellness Pure Delights Turkey & Salmon Jerky
Illustration 5-29 Sojos Simply Beef Dog Treats
Illustration 5-30 Papa Bow Wow Buffalo Treats
Illustration 5-31 Awesome Possum Treats
Illustration 5-32 Marsh Dog Nutria Dog Biscuits
Illustration 5-33 Riley’s Organics Treats
Illustration 5-34 Plato’s Pet Treats Thinker Sticks
Illustration 5-35 Alaska’s Bakery Treats
Eco-Friendly Products Form Core of Market
Cat Litter
Illustration 5-36 Arm & Hammer Natural Litters
Illustration 5-37 sWheat Scoop Premium+
Illustration 5-38 Out Pet’s Booth at Global Pet Expo 2016
Illustration 5-39 Litter One Tear Sheet
Illustration 5-40 Fresh News Cat Litter
Illustration 5-41 SmartCat Litter
Illustration 5-42 Next Gen Pet Cat Litter
Illustration 5-43 Earth Rated Green Values
Illustration 5-44 Flush Puppies Flushable Pet Waste Bags
Illustration 5-45 Simple Solutions Eco-Care Training Pads
Illustration 5-46 The Green Pet Shop’s Bamboo Training Pads
Natural Cleaning Products
Illustration 5-47 Clean + Green Natural Pet Cleaning Sprays
Flea/Tick Products
Pet Supplements
Illustration 5-48 Natura Petz Organic Supplements
Grooming Products
Illustration 5-49 P.L.A.Y. Snuggle Bed
Illustration 5-50 Honest Pet Products Eco Catty Pillar Cat Toy
Illustration 5-51 Simply Fido Stuffless Dog Toys
Collars and Leads
Illustration 5-52 Olive Green Dog FOUND Lead
Illustration 5-53 Lupine Eco Collars
Illustration 5-54 Harry Barker Chelsea Dog Collar
Illustration 5-55 Molly Mutt Tale of Two Cities Bamboo Collar
Note on Data Sources
More Pet-Owning Households Purchase Organic Foods
Figure 6-1 Percentage Who Use Any Organic Foods vs. Who Especially Look for Organic/Natural Foods: U.S. Households Overall, Dog Owners, and Cat Owners, 2014 vs. 2016 (percent of U.S. households)
Figure 6-2 Selected Natural/Organic/Eco-Friendly Attitudes: Overall, Dog Owners, Cat Owners, 2016 (percent)
Table 6-1 General Market Purchasing Patterns for Organic/Natural Products: Households Overall, Dog Owners, Cat Owners, 2014 vs. 2016 (percent of U.S. households)
Simmons-Tracked Natural/Organic Pet Product Purchasing Drops Slightly
Figure 6-3 Purchasing Rates for Selected Natural, Organic or Eco-Friendly Pet Product Classifications, 2014 vs. 2016 (percent)
Younger, Smaller Pets Most Likely to Eat Natural/Organic Pet Food
Figure 6-4 Purchasing Rates for Natural/Organic Pet Food by Age of Pet, 2016 (percent of dog or cat owners)
Figure 6-5 Purchasing Rates for Natural/Organic Pet Food by Size of Dog, 2016 (percent of dog owners)
Dry Pet Food Registers Highest Rates of NOEF Product Purchasing
Table 6-2 Natural, Organic or Eco-Friendly Product Purchasing Rates for Dog Products by Type, 2014 vs. 2016 (percent of dog product purchasers)
Table 6-3 Natural, Organic or Eco-Friendly Product Purchasing Rates for Cat Products by Type, 2014 vs. 2016 (percent of cat product purchasers)
Walmart, PetSmart Are Top Channels for NOEF Food Purchasing
Table 6-4 Where Natural, Organic or Eco-Friendly Pet Food Is Purchased: Selected Channels, 2016 (percent of natural pet food purchasers)
Blue Buffalo Tops Brand Lists for Food, Treats
Nutritional Quality Motivates Purchasers
Pet Owners Heed Vet Recommendations
Table 6-5 Purchasing Rates for Selected Brands of Natural/Organic Pet Food, 2016 (percent of natural/organic pet food purchasers)
Table 6-6 Purchasing Rates for Selected Brands of Natural/Organic Pet Treats, 2016 (percent of pet product purchasers)
Figure 6-6 Why Pet Owners Choose Natural/Organic Pet Food, 2016 (percent of natural/organic pet food purchasers)
Figure 6-7 Factors Pet Owners Consider When Evaluating Natural/Organic Pet Food, 2016 (percent of natural/organic pet food purchasers)
Figure 6-8 How Pet Owners Learn About Natural/Organic Pet Food Brands, 2016 (percent of natural/organic pet food purchasers)
Made in the U.S.A. Leads by NOEF Pet Food Formulation Type
Figure 6-9 Types of Natural, Organic or Eco-Friendly Pet Food or Treats Purchased: Dog Owners vs. Cat Owners, 2015 (percent of product purchasers)
Half of Pet Product Purchasers Choose NOEF Products
Table 6-7 Demographic Overview of the Natural, Organic and Eco-Friendly Pet Product Purchaser, 2016 (percent of dog or cat product purchasers)
Demographics for Organic Pet Food
Table 6-8 Demographic Overview of the Organic Pet Food Purchaser, 2016 (percent, number and index of dog- or cat-owning households)
Demographics for Natural Dog Food
Table 6-9 Demographic Overview of the Natural Dog Food Purchaser, 2016 (percent, number and index of dog-owning households)
The Science Diet Dog Food Purchaser
Table 6-10 Selected Top Demographic Indicators for Purchase of Science Diet Brand Dog Food, 2016 (index of dog-owning households)
The Nutro Dog Food Purchaser
Table 6-11 Selected Top Demographic Indicators for Purchase of Nutro Brand Dog Food, 2016 (index of dog-owning households)
The Natural Balance Dog Food Purchaser
Table 6-12 Selected Top Demographic Indicators for Purchase of Natural Balance Brand Dog Food, 2016 (index of dog-owning households)


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