2017 Global Diagnostic Imaging Market Outlook and Leading Supplier Strategies, Marketing Tactics, and Technological Know-How

185 Pages - VPDI23384

This new report from VPGMarketResearch.com provides global diagnostic imaging market outlook and leading suppliers' strategies, marketing tactics, and technological know-how. The report presents  a worldwide strategic overview of the diagnostic imaging market, including:

  • Estimates of the market size and growth.
  • Sales forecasts by geographic region and modality.
  • Review of the U.S. and international technological, regulatory, economic, demographic and social trends with potentially significant impact on the diagnostic imaging industry during the next five years.
  • Analysis of major geographic regions, including North America, Europe, Japan and Latin America.
  • Discussion of trends in X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, CT, nuclear medicine, PET, PACS and other technologies.

The companies analyzed in the report include Analogic, Esaote, GE, Hitachi, Hologic, Philips, Shimadzu, Siemens, and Toshiba.  The company profiles include:

  •  Business, new product development, and marketing strategies.
  •  Anticipated acquisitions, joint ventures, and divestitures.
  •  The U.S. and international sales force size in major geographic regions.
  •  Selling options, including rental plans, leasing and others.
  •  Promotional tactics, e.g., pricing, discounts, advertising, trade shows,
     seminars, product literature, newsletters, etc.
  •  System service and support.
  •  Internally developed and acquired diagnostic imaging and related technologies, 
      including X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, CT, nuclear medicine, PET, PACS, and others.

Contains 185 pages and 5 tables


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