Packaging Industry Business Confidence Report H1 2017

44 Pages - GLDATA62328


Amidst the market uncertainty with regard to Brexit and the new US presidency, the existing economic environment is stable for the packaging industry, and customer confidence levels will remain positive during H1 2017 (February 2017-July 2017). Survey results reveal that executives who operate in North America project a more favorable opinion about the economic prospects in the region for H1 2017. Improvement in the labor market, positive sales growth, rise in disposable income, expansion of retail chains, declining/stable oil prices, and escalating healthcare costs are expected to drive growth for the packaging industry over the next six months. The packaging industry is expected to record higher expenditure in new product development, and marketing and advertising in H1 2017. Moreover, executives with business operations in the North America and Asia-Pacific regions expect an increase in sales growth in H1 2017.

Global Data’s Packaging Industry Business Confidence Report Feb-July 2017 examines executives’ opinion about the business environment during H1 2017 (Feb-July 2017). It also highlights existing economic conditions, supplier price variations, sales performance, industry and company growth outlook, spending patterns, and key priorities. Additionally, the report provides information categorized by region.

What else does this report offer?
- Current state of the global economy: examines prevailing economic conditions globally and across various regions
- Company and industry growth outlook: provides industry executives’ expectations towards the growth prospects of their company and the industry over the next six months
- Change in customer confidence: analyzes packaging industry executives’ opinion about the change in customer confidence during H1 2017
- Supplier prices projection: determines expected change in supplier prices across various categories and their impact on business confidence
- Change in staff headcount and sales performance: tracks expected change in staff headcount and sales for H1 2017 among industry executives globally
- Significant investment activities: highlights various areas in which industry executives intend to invest over the next six months
- Business concerns: provides information about potential business concerns indicated by survey respondents for H1 2017
- Key priorities: identifies the top priorities of industry executives operating in various regions


- In total, 46% of survey respondents state that the current economic environment is stable, whereas 33% of respondents indicated that the economic condition is very favorable or favorable
- The positive outlook towards company growth over the next six months is highest among executives with business operations in the Asia-Pacific
- The majority of respondents with business operations in the Asia-Pacific anticipate a significant increase in consumer confidence during the next six months
- Globally, 35% of packaging industry executives expect an increase of 2% to 5.99% in the supplier prices of raw materials during the next six months
- Industry executives across the globe highlight lower emphasis on product/service safety scares in their area of operation and health epidemics over the next six months

Reasons to buy

- Helps organizations to make effective business strategy decisions by knowing the prevailing business conditions and sentiment within the packaging industry
- Organizations will be supported in business expansion decisions by providing information about projected change in sales performance and supplier prices
- Helps to improve operational efficiency of the organization by knowing about key priorities and the main concerns of packaging industry executives
- Helps to alter investment allocation by understanding key focus areas highlighted by survey respondents during H1 2017

Companies Mentioned

DS Smith Plastics
Thermoplastic Elastomer (TPE) compounding group
Amcor Rigid Plastics
Tetra Pak


Table of Contents
- Definitions and abbreviations
- Methodology and sample size
- Respondent profile

Economic state, growth prospects, and consumer confidence
- Existing economic environment
- Industry and company growth outlook
- Expected change in consumer confidence

Supplier prices, staff headcount, and sales performance
- Supplier prices expectations
- Anticipated change in staff head count and sales projections
- Anticipated change in spend on key activities

Business concerns and organizational priorities
- Level of concerns and expected impact
- Significance of potential business priorities


List of Figures
Figure 1: Current economic condition - Overall
Figure 2: Current economic condition - Region
Figure 3: Current economic condition - Those who operate and do not operate in a region
Figure 4: Industry and company growth prospects - Overall
Figure 5: Industry and company growth prospects - Overall - In detail
Figure 6: Industry and company growth prospects - Region
Figure 7: Anticipated variation in consumer confidence - Overall
Figure 8: Anticipated variation in consumer confidence - Region
Figure 9: Projected change in supplier prices - Raw material - Overall and regional
Figure 10: Projected change in supplier prices - Semi-finished products - Overall and regional
Figure 11: Projected change in supplier prices - Transit Packaging - Overall and regional
Figure 12: Projected change in supplier prices - Power and Energy - Overall and regional
Figure 13: Staff headcount and sales outlook - Regional
Figure 14: Expenditure projection on key activities - Overall
Figure 15: Top five business concerns - Region
Figure 16: Business concerns - Overall and regional - A
Figure 17: Business concerns - Overall and regional - B
Figure 18: Business concerns - Overall and regional - B
Figure 19: Top five organizational priorities - Region
Figure 20: Organizational priorities - Overall and region


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