Construction in Mexico - Key Trends and Opportunities to 2023

44 Pages - GLDATA69433


Mexico’s construction industry outlook remains sluggish, with growth expected to register just 0.39% in real terms over the five-year forecast period, compared to 0.24% during the review period. Growth is expected to be supported by government efforts to boost both public and private investments in critical sectors such as energy, transport, health and education, as well as plans to repair earthquake damage.

However, policy uncertainty has negatively affected business confidence; the arrival of Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s new administration has hampered the construction industry, with output and employment falling over the past year. The slump in the industry has also contributed to the country’s economic stagnation; Mexico’s construction industry represents 7.5% of the country’s total gross domestic product. In particular, the president's decision to cancel the part-built US$13 billion airport for Mexico City five weeks before taking office, as well as a recent renegotiation of gas pipeline contracts, have significantly hit the building industry, unsettling investors, and raising fears that the administration may not respect contracts in the future.

While the recently launched infrastructure plan could restore investors’ confidence and add to construction growth, public spending will remain subdued while security issues and uncertainty over the policies of President López Obrador will continue to restrain private investment in the country. A weak external environment, which could lead to a lower-than-expected decline in the price of oil, could also make it harder for the government to achieve its fiscal target, and further constrain much-needed spending on public works. According to the Mexican Chamber of Construction Industry, the 2020 budget for 12 government ministries and state-run companies that have traditionally dominated public sector construction is 8.6% lower than that approved in 2019.

The report provides detailed market analysis, information and insights into the Mexican construction industry, including -
- The Mexican construction industry's growth prospects by market, project type and construction activity
- Critical insight into the impact of industry trends and issues, as well as an analysis of key risks and opportunities in the Mexican construction industry
- Analysis of the mega-project pipeline, focusing on development stages and participants, in addition to listings of major projects in the pipeline.


This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the construction industry in Mexico. It provides -
- Historical (2014-2018) and forecast (2019-2023) valuations of the construction industry in Mexico, featuring details of key growth drivers.
- Segmentation by sector (commercial, industrial, infrastructure, energy and utilities, institutional and residential) and by sub-sector
- Analysis of the mega-project pipeline, including breakdowns by development stage across all sectors, and projected spending on projects in the existing pipeline.
- Listings of major projects, in addition to details of leading contractors and consultants.

Reasons to buy

- Identify and evaluate market opportunities using GlobalData's standardized valuation and forecasting methodologies.
- Assess market growth potential at a micro-level with over 600 time-series data forecasts.
- Understand the latest industry and market trends.
- Formulate and validate strategy using GlobalData's critical and actionable insight.
- Assess business risks, including cost, regulatory and competitive pressures.
- Evaluate competitive risk and success factors.


Table of Contents
1 Executive Summary
2 Construction Outlook: At-a-glance
3 Key Drivers and Risks
3.1. Economic Performance
3.2. Political Environment
3.3. Demographics
3.4. Risk Profile
4 Construction Outlook
4.1. All Construction
4.1.1. Outlook
4.1.2. Project analytics
4.2. Commercial Construction
4.2.1. Outlook
4.2.2. Project analytics
4.3. Industrial Construction
4.3.1. Outlook
4.3.2. Project analytics
4.4. Infrastructure Construction
4.4.1. Outlook
4.4.2. Project analytics
4.5. Energy and Utilities Construction
4.5.1. Outlook
4.5.2. Project analytics
4.6. Institutional Construction
4.6.1. Outlook
4.6.2. Project analytics
4.7. Residential Construction
4.7.1. Outlook
4.7.2. Project analytics
5 Key Industry Participants
5.1. Contractors
5.2. Consultants
6 Appendix
6.1. What is this Report About?
6.2. Definitions
7 About GlobalData
7.1. GlobalData at a Glance
7.2. GlobalData Construction
7.3. Disclaimer
7.4. Contact Us

List of Tables
Table 1: Construction Outlook
Table 2: Mexico, Key Economic Indicators
Table 3: Mexico, Construction Output Value (Nominal, MXN Million)
Table 4: Mexico, Construction Output Value (Real, US$ Million)
Table 5: Mexico, Top Commercial Construction Projects by Value
Table 6: Mexico, Top Industrial Construction Projects by Value
Table 7: Mexico, Top Infrastructure Construction Projects by Value
Table 8: Mexico, Top Energy and Utilities Construction Projects by Value
Table 9: Mexico, Top Institutional Construction Projects by Value
Table 10: Mexico, Top Residential and Mixed-Use Construction Projects by Value
Table 11: Mexico, Key Contractors
Table 12: Mexico, Key Consultants
Table 13: GlobalData Construction Market Definitions
Table 14: Construction Risk Index Ratings and Scores

List of Figures
Figure 1: Key Markets, Construction Output Growth Matrix and Risk Matrix
Figure 2: Mexico, Construction Projects Pipeline by Sector (MXN Billion)
Figure 3: Mexico, Risk Profile
Figure 4: Mexico, Risk Comparison
Figure 5: Mexico, Construction Output Value (Real, US$ billion, 2017 prices and exchange rate)
Figure 6: Mexico, Construction Output Value, Growth Matrix
Figure 7: Mexico, Construction Output Value, by Sector (Real, US$ Million), 2014-2023
Figure 8: Mexico, Construction Projects Pipeline, Projected Annual Spending by Stage (MXN Million), 2018-2023
Figure 9: Mexico, Construction Projects Pipeline, Value by Stage (MXN Million)
Figure 10: Mexico, Commercial Construction Output by Project Type (Real, US$ Million), 2014-2023
Figure 11: Mexico, Commercial Construction Projects Pipeline, Value by Stage (MXN Million)
Figure 12: Mexico, Commercial Construction Projects Pipeline, Projected Annual Spending by Stage (MXN Million), 2018-2023
Figure 13: Mexico, Industrial Construction Output by Project Type (Real, US$ Million), 2014-2023
Figure 14: Mexico, Industrial Construction Projects Pipeline, Value by Stage (MXN Million)
Figure 15: Mexico, Industrial Construction Projects Pipeline, Projected Annual Spending by Stage (MXN Million), 2018-2023
Figure 16: Mexico, Infrastructure Construction Output by Project Type (Real, US$ Million), 2014-2023
Figure 17: Mexico, Infrastructure Construction Projects Pipeline, Value by Stage (MXN Million)
Figure 18: Mexico, Infrastructure Construction Projects Pipeline, Projected Annual Spending by Stage (MXN Million), 2018-2023
Figure 19: Mexico, Energy and Utilities Construction Output by Project Type (Real, US$ Million), 2014-2023
Figure 20: Mexico, Energy and Utilities Construction Projects Pipeline, Value by Stage (MXN Million)
Figure 21: Mexico, Energy and Utilities Construction Projects Pipeline, Projected Annual Spending by Stage (MXN Million), 2018-2023
Figure 22: Mexico, Institutional Construction Output by Project Type (Real, US$ Million), 2014-2023
Figure 23: Mexico, Institutional Construction Projects Pipeline, Value by Stage (MXN Million)
Figure 24: Mexico, Institutional Construction Projects Pipeline, Projected Annual Spending by Stage (MXN Million), 2018-2023
Figure 25: Mexico, Residential Construction Output by Project Type (Real, US$ Million), 2014-2023
Figure 26: Mexico, Residential Construction Projects Pipeline, Value by Stage (MXN Million)
Figure 27: Mexico, Residential Construction Projects Pipeline, Projected Annual Spending by Stage (MXN Million), 2018-2023
Figure 28: Mexico, Headquarters of Key Contractors (% of Total Project Pipeline)
Figure 29: Mexico, Headquarters of Foreign Contractors (% of Project Pipeline with Foreign Contractor)
Figure 30: Mexico, Headquarters of Key Consultants (% of Total Project Pipeline)
Figure 31: Mexico, Headquarters of Foreign Consultants (% of Project Pipeline with Foreign Consultants)


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