Construction in Indonesia - Key Trends and Opportunities to 2025 (Q2 2021)

No Publisher
47 Pages - GLDATA71923


The absence of a strict lockdown in Indonesia resulted in the construction industry not being as adversely affected as others in the region. However, owing to the Large-Scale Social Restrictions policy imposed by the government, the construction industry has had to manage some disruption, with construction industry's output in 2020 declined by 3.3% in real terms. The short-term outlook for growth remains clouded by the uncertainty of the pandemic and its impact on economic activity.

The construction industry is expected to recover in 2021, with growth of 7.2%, assuming work at construction sites returns to normal levels. Following the rebound in 2021, GlobalData expects the Indonesian construction industry to stabilize, and grow at an annual average rate of 5.4% between 2022 and 2025, supported by investments on the development of infrastructure. Under the National Medium-Term Development Plan (2020-2024 RPJMN), the government plans to invest IDR6 quadrillion (US$412 billion) on the development of transport, industrial, energy and housing infrastructure projects by 2024. The ambitious infrastructure plan includes investments in 25 new airports and an abundance of renewable and waste to energy plants, as well as mass transit projects. The government has taken several steps to encourage private investment, including reducing the number of permits required for establishing power plants by more than 75%, facilitating government support in the acquisition of land for setting up industrial facilities, allocating funds for improving project preparation, setting up dedicated teams for quicker permits and resolving project bottlenecks.

This report provides detailed market analysis, information, and insights into the Indonesian construction industry, including -
- The Indonesian construction industry's growth prospects by market, project type and construction activity
- Critical insight into the impact of industry trends and issues, as well as an analysis of key risks and opportunities in the Indonesian construction industry
- Analysis of the mega-project pipeline, focusing on development stages and participants, in addition to listings of major projects in the pipeline.


This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the construction industry in Indonesia. It provides -
- Historical (2016-2020) and forecast (2021-2025) valuations of the construction industry in Indonesia, featuring details of key growth drivers.
- Segmentation by sector (commercial, industrial, infrastructure, energy and utilities, institutional and residential) and by sub-sector
- Analysis of the mega-project pipeline, including breakdowns by development stage across all sectors, and projected spending on projects in the existing pipeline.
- Listings of major projects, in addition to details of leading contractors and consultants

Reasons to Buy

- Identify and evaluate market opportunities using GlobalData's standardized valuation and forecasting methodologies.
- Assess market growth potential at a micro-level with over 600 time-series data forecasts.
- Understand the latest industry and market trends.
- Formulate and validate strategy using GlobalData's critical and actionable insight.
- Assess business risks, including cost, regulatory and competitive pressures.
- Evaluate competitive risk and success factors.


Table of Contents
1 Executive Summary
2 Construction Industry: At-a-Glance
3 Context
3.1 Economic Performance
3.2 Political Environment and Policy
3.3 Demographics
3.4 COVID-19 Status
4 Construction Outlook
4.1 All Construction
- Outlook
- Latest news and developments
- Construction Projects Momentum Index
4.2 Commercial Construction
- Outlook
- Project analytics
- Latest news and developments
4.3 Industrial Construction
- Outlook
- Project analytics
- Latest news and developments
4.4 Infrastructure Construction
- Outlook
- Project analytics
- Latest news and developments
4.5 Energy and Utilities Construction
- Outlook
- Project analytics
- Latest news and developments
4.6 Institutional Construction
- Outlook
- Project analytics
- Latest news and developments
4.7 Residential Construction
- Outlook
- Project analytics
- Latest news and developments
5 Key Industry Participants
5.1 Contractors
5.2 Consultants
6 Construction Market Data
7 Appendix
7.1 What is this Report About?
7.2 Definitions
7.3 GlobalData Construction
Contact Us

List of Tables
Table 1: Construction Industry Key Data
Table 2: Indonesia, Key Economic Indicators
Table 3: Indonesia, Commercial Construction Output by Project Type (Real % Change), 2016-2025
Table 4: Indonesia, Top Commercial Construction Projects by Value
Table 5: Indonesia, Industrial Construction Output by Project Type (Real % Change), 2016-2025
Table 6: Indonesia, Top Industrial Construction Projects by Value
Table 7: Indonesia, Infrastructure Construction Output by Project Type (Real % Change), 2016-2025
Table 8: Indonesia, Top Infrastructure Construction Projects by Value
Table 9: Indonesia, Energy and Utilities Construction Output by Project Type (Real % Change), 2016-2025
Table 10: Indonesia, Top Energy and Utilities Construction Projects by Value
Table 11: Indonesia, Institutional Construction Output by Project Type (Real % Change), 2016-2025
Table 12: Indonesia, Top Institutional Construction Projects by Value
Table 13: Indonesia, Residential Construction Output by Project Type (Real % Change), 2016-2025
Table 14: Indonesia, Top Residential Construction Projects by Value
Table 15: Indonesia, Key Contractors
Table 16: Indonesia, Key Consultants
Table 17: Indonesia, Construction Output Value (Real, US$ Million)
Table 18: Indonesia, Construction Output Value (Nominal, IDR Trillion)
Table 19: GlobalData Construction Market Definitions

List of Figures
Figure 1: South and South-East Asia, Construction Output (Real % Change), 2020 and 2021
Figure 2: Indonesia, Construction Projects Pipeline by Sector (US$ Billion)
Figure 3: Indonesia, COVID-19 Confirmed Cases
Figure 4: Indonesia, Construction Output Value (Real, US$ Billion, 2017 Prices and Exchange Rate), 2016-2025
Figure 5: Indonesia, Construction Output Value, by Sector (Real, US$ Million), 2016-2025
Figure 6: Indonesia, Construction Value-Add (IDR Trillion, 2010 Constant Prices)
Figure 7: Indonesia, Value Index of Construction Completed by Construction Companies (2016 = 100)
Figure 8: Indonesia, Construction Projects Momentum Index
Figure 9: Indonesia, Commercial Construction Output by Project Type (Real, US$ Million), 2016-2025
Figure 10: Indonesia, Commercial Construction Projects Pipeline, Value by Stage (US$ Million)
Figure 11: Indonesia, Accommodation and Food Service Activities Value-Add (IDR Trillion, 2010 Constant Prices)
Figure 12: Indonesia, Wholesale and Retail Trade Value-Add (IDR Trillion, 2010 Constant Prices)
Figure 13: Indonesia, Number of Foreign Tourist Visits (in Thousands)
Figure 14: Indonesia, Real Retail Sales Index (2010=100)
Figure 15: Indonesia, Hotel Property Demand and Price Indices (% Change YoY)
Figure 16: Indonesia, Industrial Construction Output by Project Type (Real, US$ Million), 2016-2025
Figure 17: Indonesia, Industrial Construction Projects Pipeline, Value by Stage (US$ Million)
Figure 18: Indonesia, Manufacturing Value-Add (IDR Trillion, 2010 Constant Prices)
Figure 19: Indonesia, Total Exports (US$ Billion)
Figure 20: Indonesia, Bank Indonesia Prompt Manufacturing Index (PMI-BI)
Figure 21: Indonesia, Infrastructure Construction Output by Project Type (Real, US$ Million), 2016-2025
Figure 22: Indonesia, Infrastructure Construction Projects Pipeline, Value by Stage (US$ Million)
Figure 23: Indonesia, Energy and Utilities Construction Output by Project Type (Real, US$ Million), 2016-2025
Figure 24: Indonesia, Energy and Utilities Construction Projects Pipeline, Value by Stage (US$ Million)
Figure 25: Indonesia, Total Oil and Gas Exports (US$ Million)
Figure 26: Indonesia, Institutional Construction Output by Project Type (Real, US$ Million), 2016-2025
Figure 27: Indonesia, Institutional Construction Projects Pipeline, Value by Stage (US$ Million)
Figure 28: Indonesia, Education Sector Value-Add (IDR Trillion, 2010 Constant Prices)
Figure 29: Indonesia, Residential Construction Output by Project Type (Real, US$ Million), 2016-2025
Figure 30: Indonesia, Residential Construction Projects Pipeline, Value by Stage (US$ Million)
Figure 31: Indonesia, Real-Estate Value-Add (IDR Trillion, 2010 Constant Prices)
Figure 32: Indonesia, Residential Property Prices (% Change YoY)
Figure 33: Indonesia, Headquarters of Key Contractors (% of Total Project Pipeline)
Figure 34: Indonesia, Headquarters of Key Consultants (% of Total Project Pipeline)


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