The Angolan Defense Industry - Market Attractiveness and Emerging Opportunities to 2020: Market Profile

Strategic Defence Intelligence
46 Pages - SDI13404

This report provides a detailed analysis of the current industry size and growth expectations during 2015-20, including highlights of the key growth stimulators. It also benchmarks the industry against key global markets and provides detailed understanding of emerging opportunities in specific areas.

Key Findings
SDI's "The Angolan Defense Industry - Market Attractiveness and Emerging Opportunities to 2020: Market Profile" is an essential source of information covering the market attractiveness and emerging opportunities of the defense industry in Angola.

The Angolan defense budget stands at US$4.6 billion in 2015 and registered a CAGR of 5.90% during 2011-2015. The increase in defense expenditure during the historic period is primarily due to the country's efforts to modernize its armed forces and enhance border security measures.

Reasons To Buy
"The Angolan Defense Industry - Market Attractiveness and Emerging Opportunities to 2020: Market Profile" allows you to:

- Understand the market size and forecasts of the Angola defense industry.

- Understand the budget allocation of the Angola defense industry.

- Gain knowledge on Homeland Security market size and forecast.

- Gain insight into the benchmarking data with Key global markets.

- Understand the key trends and growth stimulators of the Angola defense industry.


1 Introduction
1.1. What is this Report About?
1.2. Definitions
1.3. Summary Methodology
1.4. SDI Terrorism Index
1.5. About Strategic Defence Intelligence
2 Market Attractiveness and Emerging Opportunities
2.1. Defense Market Size Historical and Forecast
2.1.1. Defense expenditure is projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.18% during the forecast period
2.1.2. Equipment modernization and the enhancement of border security are expected to drive defense expenditure
2.1.3. Defense budget as a percentage of GDP expected to increase during the forecast period
2.2. Analysis of Defense Budget Allocation
2.2.1. Capital expenditure share in the defense budget to increase over the forecast period
2.2.2. Capital expenditure budget expected to increase during the forecast period
2.2.3. Angolan revenue expenditure expected to record a CAGR of 7.08% during the forecast period
2.2.4. Per-capita defense expenditure expected to increase during the forecast period
2.3. Homeland Security Market Size and Forecast
2.3.1. Homeland security budget projected to increase during the forecast period
2.3.2. Domestic security, human trafficking, and drug smuggling to drive expenditure for homeland protection
2.3.3. Angola comes under the 'low risk' category of terrorist attack
2.4. Benchmarking with Key Global Markets
2.4.1. The country's defense budget is expected to remain modest during the forecast period
2.4.2. Angolan military expenditure is limited when compared to countries with the largest defense expenditure
2.4.3. Angola allocates a modest percentage of GDP to defense
2.4.4. Angola faces negligible threat from foreign terrorist organizations
2.5. Market Opportunities: Key Trends and Growth Stimulators
2.5.1. Multi-role Aircraft
2.5.2. Naval Vessels
2.5.3. Military Satellite (ISR)
3 Appendix
3.1. About SDI
3.2. Disclaimer

Table 1: Angolan Defense Expenditure (US$ Billion), 2011-2015
Table 2: Angolan Defense Expenditure (US$ Billion), 2016-2020
Table 3: Angolan Defense Expenditure (AOA Billion), 2011-2015
Table 4: Angolan Defense Expenditure (AOA Billion), 2016-2020
Table 5: Angolan GDP Growth vs. Defense Expenditure Growth and Defense Expenditure as Percentage of GDP Growth, 2011-2015
Table 6: Angolan GDP Growth vs. Defense Expenditure Growth and Defense Expenditure as Percentage of GDP Growth, 2016-2020
Table 7: Angolan Defense Budget Split between Capital and Revenue Expenditure (%), 2011-2015
Table 8: Angolan Defense Budget Split between Capital and Revenue Expenditure (%), 2016-2020
Table 9: Angolan Capital Budget Allocation (US$ Million), 2011-2015
Table 10: Angolan Capital Budget Allocation (US$ Million), 2016-2020
Table 11: Angolan Capital Budget Allocation (AOA Billion), 2011-2015
Table 12: Angolan Capital Budget Allocation (AOA Billion), 2016-2020
Table 13: Angolan Defense Revenue Expenditure (US$ billion), 2011-2015
Table 14: Angolan Defense Revenue Expenditure (US$ billion), 2016-2020
Table 15: Angolan Defense Revenue Expenditure (AOA billion), 2011-2015
Table 16: Angolan Defense Revenue Expenditure (AOA billion), 2016-2020
Table 17: Angolan Per-Capita Defense Expenditure (US$), 2011-2015
Table 18: Angolan Per-Capita Defense Expenditure (US$), 2016-2020
Table 19: Angolan Homeland Security Budget (US$ billion), 2011-2015
Table 20: Angolan Homeland Security Budget (US$ billion), 2016-2020
Table 21: Angolan Homeland Security Budget (AOA Billion), 2011-2015
Table 22: Angolan Homeland Security Budget (AOA Billion), 2016-2020
Table 23: Benchmarking with Key Markets,2011-2015 vs. 2016-2020
Table 24: SDI Terrorism Index

Figure 1: Angolan Defense Expenditure (US$ Billion), 2011-2015
Figure 2: Angolan Defense Expenditure (US$ Billion), 2016-2020
Figure 3: Angolan Defense Expenditure (AOA Billion), 2011-2015
Figure 4: Angolan Defense Expenditure ( AOA Billion), 2016-2020
Figure 5: Angolan GDP Growth vs. Defense Expenditure Growth and Defense Expenditure as Percentage of GDP Growth, 2011-2015
Figure 6: Angolan GDP Growth vs. Defense Expenditure Growth and Defense Expenditure as Percentage of GDP Growth, 2016-2020
Figure 7: Angolan Defense Budget Split Between Capital and Revenue Expenditure (%), 2011-2015
Figure 8: Angolan Defense Budget Split Between Capital and Revenue Expenditure (%), 2016-2020
Figure 9: Angolan Capital Budget Allocation (US$ Million),2011-2015
Figure 10: Angolan Capital Budget Allocation (US$ Million), 2016-2020
Figure 11: Angolan Capital Budget Allocation (AOA Billion),2011-2015
Figure 12: Angolan Capital Budget Allocation (AOA Billion), 2016-2020
Figure 13: Angolan Defense Revenue Expenditure (US$ billion), 2011-2015
Figure 14: Angolan Defense Revenue Expenditure (US$ billion), 2016-2020
Figure 15: Angolan Defense Revenue Expenditure (AOA billion), 2011-2015
Figure 16: Angolan Defense Revenue Expenditure (AOA billion), 2016-2020
Figure 17: Angolan Per-Capita Defense Expenditure (US$), 2011-2015
Figure 18: Angolan Per-Capita Defense Expenditure (US$), 2016-2020
Figure 19: Angolan Homeland Security Budget (US$ billion), 2011-2015
Figure 20: Angolan Homeland Security Budget (US$ billion), 2016-2020
Figure 21: Angolan Homeland Security Budget (AOA Billion), 2011-2015
Figure 22: Angolan Homeland Security Budget (AOA Billion), 2016-2020
Figure 23: SDI Terrorism Heat Map, 2015
Figure 24: SDI Terrorism Index, 2015
Figure 25: Benchmarking with Key Markets, 2011-2015 vs. 2016-2020
Figure 26: Defense Expenditure of the World's Largest Military Spenders (US$ Billion), 2015 and 2020
Figure 27: Defense Expenditure as a Percentage of GDP of Largest Military Spenders (%), 2015
Figure 28: Multi-Role Aircraft Market Size (US$ Million), 2015-2025
Figure 29: Naval Vessels Market Size (US$ Million), 2015-2025
Figure 30: Military Satellite (ISR)Market Size (US$ Million), 2015-2025


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