Smoking Tobacco in the US, 2017

71 Pages - GLDATA59022


"Smoking Tobacco in the US, 2017" is an analytical report by GlobalData that provides extensive and highly detailed current and future market trends in the American tobacco market. It covers market size and structure along with per capita and overall consumption. Additionally, it focuses on brand data, retail pricing, prospects, and forecasts for sales and consumption until 2025.

Smoking tobacco is the smallest sector of the US tobacco market, with just 4.8% of overall volume, yet it has recently been the most buoyant sector in the overall market, mainly growing at the expense of manufactured cigarettes. Two manufacturers have historically dominated the smoking tobacco market. These are Top Tobacco, part of the private Republic Group, and Lane Ltd., which is now owned by Scandinavian Tobacco Group having been divested by Reynolds American in March 2011. Republic took 41% of the market in 2015 while STG Lane took a further 33%.


- US smokers have traditionally preferred factory-made cigarettes, with FCT a relatively niche market. The constant increase in cigarette prices in recent years, due to increasing excise, has caused consumers to switch to smoking tobacco although it has been pipe tobacco which has benefitted the most as it has been marketed as a quasi-FCT product.
- The growth in pipe tobacco products has blurred the traditional dominance of the major players, although the latest GlobalData research suggests that key brands still dominate. STG’s Bugler brand had a 28.1% share in 2014, followed by three brands from the Republic Group - Top (14%), Gambler (11.1%), and Largo (9.9%).

Reasons to buy

- Get a detailed understanding of consumption to align your sales and marketing efforts with the latest trends in the market.
- Identify the areas of growth and opportunities, which will aid effective marketing planning.
- The differing growth rates in regional product sales drive fundamental shifts in the market.
- This report provides detailed, authoritative data on these changes - prime intelligence for marketers.
- Understand the market dynamics and essential data to benchmark your position and to identify where to compete in the future.

Companies Mentioned
Republic Group
STG Lane
Santa Fe (Reynolds American)
Philip Morris
SX Brands
RSB Tobacco
National Tobacco
ITG Brands
Republic Group


Table of Contents
Market context
Market size and structure
Production and trade
Taxation and retail prices
Manufacturers and brands
The smoking population
Operating constraints
Prospects and forecasts


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